There are a few ways that if statements can work together.
It’s possible to nest if statements into other if statements. This means that the ‘then’ part of your if statement triggers another ‘if’.
‘IF [value] is greater than 70, THEN IF [value] is less than 80, THEN IF [run action]’
Then, there’s ‘else if’. ‘Else if’ tells the computer that when the ‘if’ condition is false, it needs to trigger another if statement to determine what to do next.
‘IF an incoming email contains ‘invoice’, THEN forward to [email address], ELSEIF the incoming email does not contain an attachment, THEN add to junk mail.’
If statements also interact separately from each other.
For example, one of your if statements sends some incoming data from your email to the correct database. Then, another of your if statements checks your database for new entries and runs actions on the results.
5 inches of hair closest to your scalp in this situation. This analysis will expose your drug use for the previous three months. The drug metabolites in the hair must be below the cutoff values to beat a drug test. Outside exposure, such as secondhand smoke, may introduce small quantities of drugs into the hair. To start with, how do the THC metabolites reach your hair follicle? It’s your blood that carries it to the hair. This process can take up to a week. Visit: